President Trump’s narcissist behavior is getting worse. Let’s not forget that he has the nuclear codes at his disposal. As noted in the last few days, The President has recently expressed disdain for those he see as inferior. For instance, James Comey is one of those people. His asking Comey to drop the Russian investigation, expecting others to go along with his plans, his conversation in the oval office is a perfect example of him believing and acting like he is special which is another symptom of extreme narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Today in Saudi Arabia he is getting what he desires most, continuous praise and admiration to fragile self-esteem.
I am very concerned for our country because psychologists say that it is extremely dangerous for a person in power to assume this disorder because it gets worse every day to the point of the individual not being able to control his behavior. As mentioned previously he has the nuclear codes. What happens if there is a disastrous event do you trust Trump will act presidential with our country fate. I don’t want the dice to be rolled again. Impeach him or serve him with an article 25 before it is too late. I don’t know why legislators don’t notice what is going on. These are the signs of extreme NPD ▪ Express disdain for those they see as inferior ▪ Believe they are better than others ▪ Think that others are jealous of them ▪ Fantasize about attractiveness, success and power ▪ Exaggerate their achievements or talents ▪ Set unrealistic goals for themselves or others ▪ Fragile self-esteem ▪ Believe they are special and act like it ▪ Fail to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings ▪ Expect others to go along with their ideas and plans ▪ Expect continuous praise and admiration ▪ Jealous of others or always being suspicious of others motives ▪ Have trouble with healthy relationships with the opposite sex ▪ Easily hurt and rejected Takes advantage of others, and then justify such actions